
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/08 04:21:16
小时候,总希望快快长大 !
想去过那种想象中看似很自由的生活 !
长大后,才发现大人的时间真的有所不同 !
原来现实没有想象中那么可爱 !
我也不知道是现实太假还是我太过天真 !
大人的世界好复杂,深不可测 !
如果可以选择,我希望回到单纯的小时候 !


When I was small, the hope that quickly grow up!
Want to enioy the imgagine life which is so freedom!
Grow up, adults found that the time really be different!
Not realistic to imagine that in so cute!
I do not know The reality is too fake or I was too naive!
Good complex adult world, so unpredictable and ever!
If you can choose, I hope to return to a simple childhood!

when i was a still child, i always hope grow up quickly!
want to live in a freedom world!
when i really grow up, i found out adult time really different!
Original the truth is not what i think that lovely!
i dont really know is it the reality is to fake or i m so childish!
adult world so Complex,So unpredictable!
if i can choose, i hope i return to A simple childhood!